Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Less Than Dazzling Beginning

This blog has been in the works in my head for months now, possibly even a year, and I always have come up with some excuse as to why I couldn't start it. "I'm too busy," "I'm too tired," "I have to come up with the perfect beginning." I'm through with excuses.

I don't have anything particularly clever to write this evening (or early morning, depending on your perspective), I simply intended at this juncture to have the blog in place so the next time inspiration strikes, I will have no more excuses. Here the blog is, waiting for my submissions.

I suppose that soon I will have to introduce myself and perhaps explain why I chose the title of Sense & Serendipity, but not tonight. No, this is simply a night for beginnings, not explainations or introductions. No need to overload the start of what will hopefully be a long project with too much information, for we have plenty of time to get to know each other.

I’m not sure who will be reading this, but it is going to be a mix of journaling with various type of writing interspersed in the spaces between. I am attempting to penetrate nasty bit of writers block and I hope Sense & Serendipity will by my muse. I have so many ideas until I attempt to put any of them into written form.