Friday, May 2, 2008

Beware of Foreclosure Fraud

All across the United States, more than 1 million homes have been put in foreclosure so far this year. With more foreclosures occurring every day, "foreclosure rescue" scams are also on the rise. From California to New York, criminals have been pretending to sooth the fears of borrowers facing foreclosure with promises of mortgage help, only to fleece them of their homes and equity. Basically, the wave of the predatory lending has broken into a new era of foreclosure fraud.
That is the lead in to one of my most recent articles on Obviously, it is about foreclosure fraud. I really liked writing this article because it was interesting to research, but it makes me mad that there are so many people in the world who are willing to take advantage of others. These are people trying to save their homes!

Anyways, this article provides tips to help you weed out most of the criminals in your search for help to fight foreclosure. There really are people out there who can help you, you simply have to find them.